Welcome to the World of Manasi Mujumdar

Helping you merge business goals with spiritual insights to reach your fullest potential.

Explore the dynamic intersection of professional development and personal growth. Here, embark on a journey tailored to amplify your entrepreneurial skills while nurturing your inner strength and resilience. With a unique blend of strategic coaching and spiritual insights, Manasi Mujumdar offers personalize guidance to  help you navigate the complexities of both business and life.                                            

Tailored Learning Paths

Purpose-Driven Leadership

Global Persprective

Innovation Facilitation

Crisis Management

Work-Life Harmony

Visioning, Manifestation

Conscious Entrepreneurship

Legacy and Impact

Business Products

One to One Coaching | Group Coaching | Peer to Peer Club

Spiritual Awakening Collection

Divine Healing | Soul Contracts| Akashic Reading | Quantum jump and Timeline Collapse |Channeling